you are worthy
Repeat after me: No matter what, I am worthy of all of the good things this world has to offer. I am worthy of feeling good. I am worthy of care.
For a long time and a few years back, I felt bad promoting my feel good services when the world felt sad. I remember thinking "How do I invite people in for a facial? I don't even want to be massaged while the world is burning! We are all grieving!" I felt anxiety and shame for doing something so "self absorbed" and "meaningless" when huge things were happening that affect so many and meant so much, how could I just lay there and relax!?
What I didn't realize then, was that I was denying myself good in a time I really needed it, because I thought I should. I thought it was the "right way" to heal. I thought, “What did I do to be worthy of good while there was so much bad?” But the truth is, NO ONE needs to do anything to be worthy of good. Honestly, I wasn't doing anyone any good by not chilling the F out, and I needed to ground myself in rest and wellness before I could help others. Plus, humans were literally MADE to support each other in hard times.
Wellness treatments where one person is spending dedicated time giving focused, practiced, and intentional healing to another person through a therapeutic relationship are so powerful and so abundant throughout time. It's beautiful! A small, "meaningless" thing like a massage or facial can offer well-rounded healing and hope.
If you care about the world around you, you've got to take care of yourself. It is not selfish. It is not meaningless. It is essential. Secure your air mask, babe! You are worthy!